The company "Yeskert Kyzmet Rutledge" LLP provides the following types of services:
1. Providing security and a full range of services for hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
2. Inspection / Defectoscopy: underground pipelines, tanks, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, boiler plants, metal structures, welding seams, etc.
• Standard Nondestructive Test Method: VT, UT, MPI, capillary method, radiography,leakage, radiography
• Modern control methods: MFL, PAUT, TOFD, RMS, IRIS, ECT, etc.
Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Corrosion Protection, Paints & Lacquer Services & Equipment; Laboratory Equipment & Services ; Oil & Gas Tanks and Storage; Welding & Welding Services ; Construction Work, Machinery & Equipment;