NANOTECT Russia - Saint-Petersburg
Nanotect LLC is specialized in design, manufacturing and maintenance of ancillary equipment for oil and gas, chemical and shipbuilding industries.
Nanotect LLC is a Russian company with own mechanical and chemical workshops in Saint-Petersburg. We provide design, manufacturing and maintenance to the requirements of each client.
Nanotect LLC is the team of high-quality specialists who are ready to the most extensive range of tasks.
The main purpose of our company is to implement the innovative decisions for resource economy and efficiency increase among our clients. One of the main
principles of Nanotect LLC is the process of updating and developing of new eco-friendly and energy-saving technologies.
Nanotect LLC provides an integrated supply of oil and gas equipment as well as industrial chemicals. We also design and produce the equipment on a turnkey basis. Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; Oil & Gas Tanks and Storage; Refining & Processing, Petrochemistry & Gas Chemistry (equipment & Services) ; Engineering, Facilities and Construction Design & Services (EPC); Shipbuilding, Ship Equipment & Maintenance; Maintenance Services; Filters, Filtration Equipment & Systems ; Chemical Reagents & Materials; |
Nasosenergomash is one of the largest in CIS pump manufacturers for the main processes of production, transportation and processing of oil and petroleum products:
- Trunk pipeline transportation (booster, mainline pumps)
- Oil production
- Oil supply from drainage tanks and reservoirs
- Oil and petroleum product handling at production fields and terminals
- Tankers loading
- Water injection at oil fields
- Oil refineries and petroleum chemistry facilities Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; |
Nasosy PPD is a leader in design and manufacture of pumping equipment and pump spare parts in Russia. Founded in 2001, we offer a broad range of services from installation supervision, start-up and commissioning, scheduled preventive maintenance and overhauls to modernization of pumps through energy efficient design, operational parameter adjustments and improvements to mounting group design. Our pumps are designed to offer maximum energy efficiency and ease of maintenance. For pump wet end we use most advanced materials that meet modern demands for strength, resistance to wear and corrosion. Our one-of-a-kind products are protected by patents and have all necessary certificates and use permits. Wireline, Workover & Sidetracking Equipment & Services; Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; |
NAUKA NPO Russia - Cheboksary
Development, manufacture of liquid flow meters: ultrasonic RUS-1, electromagnetic EMR and NORDIC.
Development, production of rotary butterfly valves ZD.001-ZR, pipe fittings series, NTK, NTK.
Supply of equipment for enterprises of various industries: flow meters, heat meters, temperature, pressure converters, control systems; pipeline valves complete with actuators, control cabinets. Instrumentation; Measuring & Control Equipment; Automation, Motion Control and Flow Management Equipment & Services; Heating & Ventilation; Refining & Processing, Petrochemistry & Gas Chemistry (equipment & Services) ; |
Nedra Publishers has a rich history in the scientific literature (more than 30,000 publications in total). Since 2013, Oil&Gas Journal Russia and Offshore[Russia] have been published by Nedra under license from PennWell. Oil&Gas Journal has been the most widely read magazine with the broadest circulation in the global petroleum industry. Offshore magazine is a publication recognized as the worldwide leader for covering the key issues and trends relative to offshore technology.
The Nedra Translation Agency serves as a member of АТА (American Translators Association), UTR (Union of Translators of Russia), ELIA (European Language Industry Association), GALA (Globalization and Localization Association). Additionally, Nedra ranks among the Top 20 Russian translation agencies according to Translation Rating. From document transcription and desktop publishing, to negotiations and simultaneous interpretation services, the Nedra Translation Agency is widely recognized as the industry standard. Exhibitions, Conferences, Media & Information Services ; |
NEFT I KAPITAL Russia - Moscow
‘Neft i Kapital’ (Oil & Capital) is a leading analytical journal about the oil and gas industries of Russia and neighboring countries. It has been published since 1994. The entire history of the region’s present-day oil sector is reflected in the history of the journal and in its pages. The journal covers every aspect of the oil and gas business: exploration, production, transportation, hydrocarbons refining and sales, regulation, taxation and business performance, and publishes statistics and market analysis. With a monthly run of 12,000 copies, the journal is read by executives, specialists and analysts in the oil, gas and related sectors, and by anybody with an interest in the fuel and energy complex. Copies are mailed direct to all the heads of the biggest oil and gas companies, the profile ministries, agencies and regulators. The news and analytics website,, has 68,000 unique visitors per month, and this number is constantly growing. Exhibitions, Conferences, Media & Information Services ; |
"Neft Rossii" takes the leading positions in the domestic market of analytical editions of oil and gas subject. In each number – the objective, analytically verified and actual materials about the Russian oil and gas complex and allied industries of the industry, and also article and reviews from leading experts about a condition of the world market of energy carriers.
Rospechat Agency
Kniga Service Agency Exhibitions, Conferences, Media & Information Services ; |
Neftegazinzhiniring LLC is a modern multidisciplinary engineering company focused on providing services to companies of the oil, gas, chemical and energy industries. The year of foundation is 2003. Neftegazinzhiniring LLC integrates complex solutions applicable to oil and gas extraction, treatment and transportation; metering production stream of oil and gas fields; automation of oil and gas production. Long-term experience allows to solve the tasks of higher complexity - from the development of project documentation, manufacturing, metrological support, equipment supply, installation, adjustment and commissioning facility with further maintenance service. Own manufacturing facilities allow to produce equipment with the best value. Sales geography - Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Oil & Gas Producers; Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; IT & Software; Refineries, Petrochemical and Gas Plants; Oilfield Services; Automation, Motion Control and Flow Management Equipment & Services; Oil & Gas Processing Services & Equipment; Oil & Gas Exploration & Production; Reservoir Engineering; |
NEFTEMASH Russia - Davlekanovo
Joint Stock Company Davlekanovo Oil Machinery Construction Plant AO Neftemash provide design, production, shipping and servicing of the following equipment types: Oil and gas equipment, Boiler Equipment, Automation Systems, Automation Devices.
AO Neftemash also provides services in start-up, adjustment and assembly of boiler rooms, oil heaters, industrial furnaces and other equipment both self-produced and produced by other manufacturers. The company provides switching of boiler rooms and oil heaters from liquid on gas fuel or vice versa.
Quality of products is assured by the quality management system to GOST R and ISO 9001:2015. All types of produced equipment have relevant permissions. Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Instrumentation; Refineries, Petrochemical and Gas Plants; Oil & Gas Processing Services & Equipment; |
NEOTECH GLOBAL Kazakhstan - Almaty
Neotech Global is a Kazakhstan technical translation company which services oil and gas companies operating in the Caspian region. Neotech Global provides linguistic support to global corporations as well as smaller companies by prompt responses to translation requests on different subject matters and various language combinations.
One of the core competences of Neotech Global is linguistic consulting. Company’s specialists carry out consistent audit of in-house business processes related to translation and interpretation services, provide detailed advice aimed at improving their efficiency, and contribute to the introduction of innovative technologies.
Neotech Global has a training center for translators, interpreters, editors, copywriters, and anyone professionally involved in preparing international documentation. Consultancy and Professional Services ; |
NETZSCH PUMPEN & SYSTEME GMBH Germany - Waldkraiburg
For more than 60 years, NETZSCH has manufactured positive displacement pumps worldwide. Designed specifically for difficult pumping situations, NETZSCH pumps range in size from the industry’s smallest metering pumps to high volume pumps for applications in the oil and gas or mining industries.
With a production of over 50,000 pumps per year NETZSCH underlines the technology and market leadership, which it has gained thanks to the quality of the pumps and spare parts. It is guaranteed by the core competence and vertical manufacturing which we have built up over the many decades. NETZSCH has been supplying worldwide NEMO® progressing cavity pumps, TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS multi screw pumps, macerators/grinders, dosing technology and equipment for custom built and challenging solution Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; |
NETZSCH PUMPEN & SYSTEME GMBH Germany - Waldkraiburg
For more than 60 years, NETZSCH has manufactured positive displacement pumps worldwide. Designed specifically for difficult pumping situations, NETZSCH pumps range in size from the industry’s smallest metering pumps to high volume pumps for applications in the oil and gas or mining industries.
With a production of over 50,000 pumps per year NETZSCH underlines the technology and market leadership, which it has gained thanks to the quality of the pumps and spare parts. It is guaranteed by the core competence and vertical manufacturing which we have built up over the many decades. NETZSCH has been supplying worldwide NEMO® progressing cavity pumps, TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS multi screw pumps, macerators/grinders, dosing technology and equipment for custom built and challenging solution |
NEXSON GROUP SAS Russia - Moscow
Rich with 30 years of experience in design and manufacturing of welded heat exchangers, pressure vessels and filters Nexson Group covers a large range of processes and applications such as Refinery, Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Coke Oven, Gas & Steel Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; Oil & Gas Tanks and Storage; Refineries, Petrochemical and Gas Plants; Oil & Gas Processing Services & Equipment; Heating & Ventilation; Refining & Processing, Petrochemistry & Gas Chemistry (equipment & Services) ; Filters, Filtration Equipment & Systems ; |
NEXT COMPRESSION Canada - Rocky View
Prior to merging, both NGC Compression Solutions and SAGE Energy Corp. were independently recognized as industry leaders in the gas compression equipment market, with complementary strengths, assets and resources. Now united under one brand, the collective vision for NEXT Compression focuses on providing unparalleled compression solutions to a global market. In conjunction with our improved supply chain capabilities, increased shop capacity and geographic reach, NEXT will draw from a greater depth of resources and expertise than either legacy company had achieved on its own. By combining the talent and experience of two established players, NEXT Compression has struck an ideal balance between scope and scale, all while maintaining the communication and accessibility our customers deserve. |
NIPI NEFTEGAZ JSC Kazakhstan - Aktau
NIPIneftegas JSC is scientific investigations in the area of geology and development of oil and gas fields, drilling, design and construction of wells, preparation, gathering and transportation of oil, conservation of mineral resources and environment, RLC (research laboratory centre).
Institute maintains the scientific-technical provision in oil, gas and gas condensate fields, performs development of projects and different scientific investigation. Company carries out designing of main oil and gas pipelines, oil loading railway terminals; soil testing, crude oil; taking part in designing and construction of artificial islands, onshore support objects and hydrocarbons development in Caspian Sea. Geology, Geophysics & Earth Science; |
NITROGEN PLANT LLP Kazakhstan - Uralsk
LLP "Nitrogen plant", the first enterprise in West Kazakhstan region, which mastered the production of liquid and gaseous nitrogen, oxygen. The main activities are the provision of services in the oil and gas sector and manufacturing, the selling of cryogenic products on the market of Kazakhstan. The company has the ability of delivering liquid nitrogen by Kazakhstan. The Company has autonomous mobile units and carries out the gasification of liquid nitrogen on the Customer’ site, and providing other related services.
Company has own the special vehicles for delivery of products both on public roads and outside roads.
Our goal is to take a leading position among service providers of the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan, and among manufacturers of cryogenic products.
Consistently high quality of products is guaranteed by constant quality control using digital gas analyzers. Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Measuring & Control Equipment; |
Nord-Lock Group - Your partner in bolting solutions. For over 35 years, Nord-Lock Group has provided reliable products for bolting applications. But Nord-Lock Group is more than the products we sell - our engineers add value from design to operation and maintenance. Our unique combination of innovative products and expertise enables us to solve your toughest bolting challenges. Our technologies include Nord Lock wedge-locking washers, Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners, Boltight hydraulic tools and Expander System pivot pins. Drilling Equipment & Technologies; Nuts, Bolts, Fixtures & Fittings ; Oil & Gas Processing Services & Equipment; Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Pipeline Maintenance & Repair Equipment & Services; Power & Electrical Equipment & Services; Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; Refineries, Petrochemical and Gas Plants; Refining & Processing, Petrochemistry & Gas Chemistry (equipment & Services) ; Shipbuilding, Ship Equipment & Maintenance; Vehicle Equipment; |
The North Caspian Project is the first major offshore oil and gas development in Kazakhstan.
This year NCOC N.V. marks the 25th anniversary of the North Caspian Project commemorating the establishment of the international Consortium for studies in the Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian Sea and commencement of seismic works in that area.
Today, the consortium includes seven of the world’s largest and most experienced energy companies: KazMunayGas, Eni, Shell, ExxonMobil, Total, CNPC and Inpex.
The most important contribution so far has been the multiplier effect of the Project on Kazakhstan’s economy. Mangystau and Atyrau Regions have received more than a half-billion US dollars in social and infrastructure related projects funded by NCOC. Overall payments for local goods, works and services have totaled almost US$14 billion since 2004. Oil & Gas Producers; |
North Drilling Company utilizing its fleet of 3 MODUs (300 Ft.), 9 Land Drilling Rigs (2000 Hp.) and a vast variety of drilling technical services with an Engineering backup, as the biggest Private Drilling Company and also as an Iranian Exploration & Production (E&P) Company in Iran is keen on to expand its activities in Kazakhstan and participate in drilling projects (EPDS) for On-Offshore wells. In this regards, we are looking forward to more fruitful business deals and a great association in the days ahead in:
•Engineering and Management Services
•Drilling Operations and Rigs Provision
•Personnel Training and Supply of Rig Crew and Service Personnel
•Drilling related Services (Integrated/ Semi-Integrated)
•Maintenance and Repair of Drilling Equipment & Machinery
•Procurement of all Drilling Equipment & Material (for Well & Rigs) Consultancy and Professional Services ; Drilling Equipment & Technologies; Engineering, Facilities and Construction Design & Services (EPC); Marine; Oil & Gas Exploration & Production; Reservoir Engineering; Well Construction, Completion & Maintenance Services & Equipment; Wireline, Workover & Sidetracking Equipment & Services; |
Novomet is a dynamically developing group of companies with US$ 300 million revenue and more than 5000 employees.
The company was established in 1991 and during its more than 25-year long history developed from the manufacturer of ESP stages made of metal powders to the supplier of a wide range of technologies for artificial lift, pump equipment for water injection and treatment, well completion for onshore and offshore, auxiliary equipment and innovative technologies.
Service bases are open in Romania, Egypt, Argentine, Iraq, Ecuador, Kuwait, Indoneisia, Colombia, USA.
Novomet equipment operates in 23 countries around the world. Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; Oilfield Services; Oil & Gas Exploration & Production; |
NPO NTES LLP Russia - Bugulma
LLC NPO ntes successfully works at the market of the equipment and measuring instruments for the oil-producing companies of Russia and neighboring countries. The company specializes in the development, production and maintenance of measuring instruments of consumption of products produced from oil wells, namely:
- measurement of flow parameters that make up the flow of well production;
- automatic and manual sampling of representative samples from oil and gas production flow of oil wells;
- reduction of pulsation of fluid flow rate in the flow with the cork structure of the oil and gas mixture movement;
- study of the parameters of the oil well, commissioning, verification, calibration, design work and much more. Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Instrumentation; Laboratory Equipment & Services ; Filters, Filtration Equipment & Systems ; |
NPP GAMMA LLP Kazakhstan - Almaty
As an official representative of the Scientific and Production Enterprise (SPE) “Elemer” (Russia) in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, “SPE Gamma” LLP is pleased to offer you a wide range of advanced and reliable process control systems from the manufacturer - SPE “ELEMER” LLP:
• pressure and temperature transmitters;
• auxiliary fittings and mounting kits;
• temperature and humidity measuring converters;
• process controller meters;
• power supplies and signal conversion;
• process multichannel recorders;
• digital process meters;
• metrology equipment;
• consumables;
• flowmeters. Instrumentation; |
NTE LLC - dynamically developing innovative company, since 2005 producing modern pumping equipment for enterprises: for oil and gas, oil production, chemical plants, as well as for industries that require high standards of health and technological processes of ecological purity. Employees of the company have years of experience in designing and manufacturing pumps.
Production facilities allow the company NTE LLC to design, manufacture, repair, sealed centrifugal pumps with pressure up to 3200 m and a feeding of 0.3 m3 / h to 700 m3 / h.
The main activity of the company is the design and manufacturing of tight pumps with magnetic coupling of the brand NTSSGE terrestrial and semi-submersible designs for gas processing plants, oil refining, oil production, chemical plants, as well as for industries that require high standards of health and environmental friendliness of the process. Hydraulics & Pneumatics Equipment & Services; Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; Oil & Gas Processing Services & Equipment; Refining & Processing, Petrochemistry & Gas Chemistry (equipment & Services) ; |