ELCON Russia - Novocheboksarsk
One of the leading developers and manufacturers of paints for special purposes.
We produce: heat-resistant enamels and varnishes, organosilicate compositions, compositions for cold galvanizing, rinsing agents and rust converters, silicone-based wood protection products, hydrophobizers, forging paints. Corrosion Protection, Paints & Lacquer Services & Equipment; |
OOO ELMESS-KLOPPERTHERM offers various solutions of electrical heating systems for industrial application in explosive areas. Heaters, heat tracing, heating cables and more. Our experience is your advantage.
We are representing high quality products of the German companies: Elmess, Hemstedt, Isoheat, Isomil and Klopper-Therm in Russia and the CIS-States. Heating & Ventilation; Measuring & Control Equipment; Oil & Gas Processing Services & Equipment; Oil & Gas Tanks and Storage; Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Power & Electrical Equipment & Services; Refining & Processing, Petrochemistry & Gas Chemistry (equipment & Services) ; |
ELMETRO-ENGINEERING Russia - Chelyabinsk
ElMetro-Engineering is an innovative Russian enterprise. Our main work-streams are production of control and measuring instruments and metrological equipment as well as services on metrology and design engineering.
We offer following ElMetro trademark products: multiparameter Coriolis flowmeters, ultrasonic gas flowmeters, paperless recorders, input-output modules, PID-regulators, switched mode power supply sources, HART modems, RS-485/USB interfaces converters, pressure calibrators, high-precision multimeters, calibrators of electric signals, metrology stands and their components. Instrumentation; Measuring & Control Equipment; |
EMBAMUNAIGAS, JSC Kazakhstan - Atyrau
Official countdown of the history of Embamunaygas JSC has been taken since 1922 - from the moment of creation of Embaneft trust for development of Dossor and Makat fields. The main activities of the company: geological exploration, development of oil and gas fields; oil and gas extraction; preparation of oil and gas. The structure of Embamunaygas JSC includes 6 production structural units in Atyrau and 4 districts in Atyrau region: Dossormunaygas, Zhylyojmunaygas, Zhayykmunaygas, Kaynarmunaygas, Embamunayenergo and Management of Production and Technical Services and complete equipment with components (MPTS and CQC). The company delivers oil for export and domestic market. On domestic market oil is supplied to oil refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For export, oil is supplied via two main routes: pipelines of Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) and Uzen-Atyrau-Samara (UAS). Sales of commodity gas is carried out through national operator of Kazakhstan in the field of gas and gas supply - KazTransGas JSC. Embamunaygas JSC operates in accordance with international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 50001. Over the past five years, Embamunaygas has sent about 696 billion tenge for payment of taxes to the national and local budgets, for sponsorship and charity - 2.3 billion tenge, 2.8 billion tenge was allocated for development of regional infrastructure. Oil & Gas Producers; Refineries, Petrochemical and Gas Plants; Oil & Gas Exploration & Production; |
Group of Industrial companies "EMIS" is a Russian leading manufacturer and developer of control and measuring instruments as well as complex equipment which provides 35 kinds of metering instruments including 13 types of flowmeters based on 7 measurement methods and numerous associated equipment.
Following market demand EMIS provide unique technical solutions for specific applications in various industries:
- Intellectual vortex flowmeters EMIS-VIHR 200/PPD/205;
- Compact mass flowmeters EMIS-MASS 260;
- Rotary gas meters EMIS-RGS 245;
- Electromagnetic flowmeters EMIS-MAG 270;
- Electronic flowmeters EMIS-PLAST 220;
- Rotary flowmeters for liquids EMIS-DIO 230;
- Efficient oval gear meters EMIS-DIO 230L;
- Metal and plastic rotameters EMIS-META 215/211;
- Energy carrier metering skids EMIS-ESKO 2230, EMIS-ESKO 2210;
- Flow switch;
- Filters for gas and liquids
- Functional devices.
New products of 2018: Pressure sensor EMIS-BAR and temperature sensor
EMIS-TERM! Instrumentation; Measuring & Control Equipment; |
EndurAlloy™ Production Tubing and Casing is a product created through a diffusion alloying process. It is NOT a coating or liner, and it does not reduce the ID of the tubing. Diffusion alloying deposits Enduralloy molecules directly into the steel substrate creating a surface that is 8x harder than steel itself. This hard, dense surface protects from erosion and abrasion, as well as corrosion caused by CO2 ,H2S, Brine & Acids Every well can benefit from the added protection and insurance of EndurAlloy™ Tubing. Depending on well condition you can expect EndurAlloy™ tubing to last three to ten times longer than regular production tubing. It is crucial to avoid service rig jobs and associated down time, and EndurAlloy™ Production Tubing will ensure a strong ROI many times over. Automation, Motion Control and Flow Management Equipment & Services; Chemical Reactors; Corrosion Protection, Paints & Lacquer Services & Equipment; Drilling Equipment & Technologies; Engineering, Facilities and Construction Design & Services (EPC); Environment Protection, Services & Equipment; Filters, Filtration Equipment & Systems ; Flanges; Geology, Geophysics & Earth Science; Heating & Ventilation; Maintenance Services; Oil & Gas Exploration & Production; Oil & Gas Processing Services & Equipment; Oil & Gas Producers; Oil & Gas Tanks and Storage; Oilfield Services; Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Pipeline Construction & Pipeline Laying ; Pipeline Maintenance & Repair Equipment & Services; Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; Refineries, Petrochemical and Gas Plants; Reservoir Engineering; Tools; Well Construction, Completion & Maintenance Services & Equipment; Wireline, Workover & Sidetracking Equipment & Services; |
ENERGOMASHKOMPLEСT - this is a brand that unites a group of companies engaged in the manufacture and supply of pipeline valves since 1991. From the first years of operation, our priority was a sustainable outrunning growth of the company ENERGOMASHKOMPLEСT, and today occupies a leading position in the industry in Russia.
The enterprises are equipped with modern equipment, effective technologies are introduced, the range of supplied products is expanded and new markets are developed. Energomashkompleсt strives to be for our customers a reliable supplier, providing continuity and timeliness of deliveries, strictly fulfilling their obligations. Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; Pipeline Construction & Pipeline Laying ; Flanges; |
The company "Energopribor" is a developer and manufacturer of equipment for gas contamination control:
- stationary gas analyzers of the "Gascontrol" series
- mobile gas contamination control systems.
A wide range of configurations, an implemented quality management system, optimized business processes aimed at reducing the cost and delivery time without compromising quality are the main advantages that make it possible to make a choice in favor of equipment manufactured by Energopribor. Analyzers; Instrumentation; Measuring & Control Equipment; Gas Detection & Gas Leak Detection ; |
25 years "Energoserver" successfully works in the market of control and measuring equipment. During this time we managed to create an effective own production of special equipment, to protect pressure measuring devices from aggressive, high-viscosity, high-temperature working environments, food and extra-clean products, as well as working media with pressure pulsations and water hammers.
A wide range of medium separators, special devices (dampers, freezing devices, manometric heads), spare parts and accessories (coolers, capillary lines, bellows, membranes, counter flanges, etc.) allows you to quickly and accurately pick up a protective device for almost any device and for any operating conditions.
Close cooperation with the largest domestic and import manufacturers of control and measuring equipment allowed to significantly expand the range of our products. Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Refining & Processing, Petrochemistry & Gas Chemistry (equipment & Services) ; Power & Electrical Equipment & Services; |
Enersul Limited Partnership, of Calgary, Canada is the leading provider for sulphur technologies and services globally, offering a complete range of equipment and integrated services that includes sulphur forming technologies (GX™ granulation and WetPrill™), solid and liquid sulphur storage and loadout, sulphur block pouring /reclamation, sulphur remelting (ModEx™), H2S degassing (HySpec™) and dust suppression (STS™ Safe Foam Transfer System). Consultancy and Professional Services ; Engineering, Facilities and Construction Design & Services (EPC); Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Training; |
ERIDAN, JSC Russia - Berezovskiy, region Sverdlovskaya
"Eridan" is a leading developer and manufacturer of flameproof equipment, which for the past 22 years, supplies the market with quality products with only one purpose: ensuring people's safety at industrial objects of any complexity, including in the extreme conditions of the far North.
The number of the equipment:
- fire detectors (heat, manual, flame)
- annunciators (light, sound, combined,horn)
- switching equipment
- equipment for video surveillance
- analogue addressable fire alarm system.
More than 2 000 companies in Russia, CIS and Europe and the middle East use the products under the brand name "Eridanus".
Our company owns its own production facilities and has established cooperation with design institutes and other organizations participating in the structure of PJSC "GAZPROM", JSC NK "LUKOIL", OJSC "AK "Transneft", JSC "TNK", JSC "Energoatom", Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian Federation, JSC "Russian Railways", etc. Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Instrumentation; Security, Safety & Inspection Services & Equipment; Power & Electrical Equipment & Services; |
EWC LLP is a young upswing company with mindful approach to its work, qualified personnel that aims at satisfaction of all its customers’ needs.
Our personnel have wide experience in solving tasks of deliveries of hi-tech equipment and materials. EWC LLP can deliver equipment, materials and tools for construction, repair and maintenance of pipeline and their components, and offers to its clients state-of-the-art technologies and solutions for current tasks of the oil and gas industry.
EWC LLP is an official representative of such well-known companies – manufacturers of equipment and materials as CRC Evans Pipeline International Inc. (USA), Nippon Steel & Sumikin Welding Co.Ltd. (Japan), Lincoln Electric Co. (USA), LK2 Srl (Italy), OOO NPP ELTERM-S (RF),Osborn GmbH (Germany), Aotai Electric Co.,LTD (China) etc. and offers complex solutions for welding and assembly works. Tools; Welding & Welding Services ; Construction Work, Machinery & Equipment; Pipeline Maintenance & Repair Equipment & Services; |
EUROSPECARMATURA Kazakhstan - Almaty
EuroSpecMartura, representative of the European company Metso (Finland) in the Republic of Kazakhstan, provides technical support and advice. We offer you shut-off, control valves, etc. The equipment is manufactured in accordance with international quality standards and is recommended for use in industry. Pump & Valve Equipment, Systems & Services ; |
EX-IM TRADING LLC LLP Kazakhstan - Almaty
Following is a list of products that we supply in Central Asia:
1. Bestolife thread compounds.
2. Timken Products: Bearings; Housed Units; Precision Bearings; Seal, Couplings, Chain, Lubricants and Lubrication System; and etc.
3. Tubular for Oil and Gas and all types of fittings.
4. Drill Stem Assembly: Drill Pipe, Drill Collar, HWDP, Crossover Subs, Drilling Bits and etc.
5. Handling Equipment: Elevators, Slips, Tongs and etc. Other Oil & Gas Equipment & Services ; Tools; Drilling Equipment & Technologies; |
EXPOSITION OIL GAS Russia - Naberezhnye Chelny
Exposition Oil Gas magazine
Specialized scientific and technical magazine which publishes and distributes in Russia and CIS countries. The magazine is in the list of magazines of Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Each issue is distributed to subscribers in Russia, the amount of 10,000 copies.
The subscribers of the magazine — Rosneft, Gazprom, Lukoil, Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz, Gazprom Neft, Novatek, Russneft, Transneft and their units in Russia. Also the list of subscribers includes NOCs in Russia.
Distribution service constantly checks and updates information on the mailing list, which ensures the delivery of the magazine to the desired professional. Exhibitions, Conferences, Media & Information Services ; |