Diagnostic devices and devices;
Hygienic items for hospitals; Medical gloves; Other medical items;
Manufacturers of compression and orthopedic underwear
Orthopedic production; Plastic surgery;
production and sale of medical products and medical equipment
The Anesteziologichesky equipment; Anesthesia; The aspiratsionnoe equipment; Diagnostic preparations; Other; Medical furniture and the equipment; Medical editions; Medical gloves; Medical lamps; Mechanical instrumentation; HEALTH & BEAUTY; Other medical items; Account material for hospitals, clinics and laboratories; Surgical instruments; Electrocardiography and accessories; The electrosurgical equipment;
Analyzer; Disinfectants; Diagnostic devices and devices; Diagnostic the system test; Medical editions; Medical gloves; Reagents;
Analyzer; The disinfection and sanitary equipment; Disinfectants; Laboratory equipment; The equipment for beam therapy; Design, manufacture, installation, validation of clean operation rooms and intensive care units; Professional and protective clothes; Account material for hospitals, clinics and laboratories; The x-ray equipment; Systems of disinfecting of air; Dental X-ray equipment; Ultrasonic diagnostics;