At Catalysis, S.L. Agroveterinary Division we have developed alternatives to improve the productive parameters through the use of non-antibiotic immunostimulatory products in animal health and treatments that promote plant growth in agriculture.
This is the case of the products Viusid Vet and Viusid Aqua, two powerful non-antibiotic immunostimulants and excellent hepatoprotectors without adverse side effects, that improve productivity of animal farms, and Viusid Agro, a natural fertiliser that regulates plant growth.
Our products are harmless and based on the latest discoveries on the beneficial effects that antioxidants have on free radicals in living organisms as well as on the stimulation of the immune system.
The secret of the high effectiveness of all our products lies in the biocatalytic process of molecular activation developed by Catalysis, S.L.
Cattle breeding; Fertilisers, agrochemistry; Fodder, premixes; Gardening, viticulture; Plant growing; Poultry; Seed growing; Veterinary;